The Major and Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings: Exploring The Major and Minor Arcana

"The Major Arcana cards are like signposts on the road of life, guiding us towards our destiny, while the Minor Arcana cards offer practical advice and insights for navigating the present moment." 

- Rachel Pollack, author of "Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom"

Tarot Mastery: Understanding Major & Minor Arcana

Decoding The Major Arcana Tarot Cards

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing significant life events and spiritual lessons. These cards typically depict powerful archetypes and universal themes. Let's explore some of the key Major Arcana cards and their interpretations:

The Fool

Embarking on a journey, innocence, new beginnings. The Fool represents new beginnings and a leap of faith. He's carefree and optimistic, ready for adventure.

The Magician

Manifestation, power, resourcefulness.The Magician is a master of manifestation, using willpower and skill to create their desired reality.

The High Priestess

Intuition, wisdom, the subconscious mind.The High Priestess embodies intuition and wisdom, guarding sacred knowledge and secrets.

The Empress

Nurturing, abundance, fertility.The Empress represents abundance, nurturing, and the joys of creation. She's a symbol of fertility and motherhood

The Emperor

Authority, structure, leadership.Embodies authority and leadership, guiding with structure and control.

The Lovers

Relationships, choices, harmony.Signifies choices, relationships, and harmony. It's about finding balance between two forces.

The Chariot

Determination, control, success.Represents determination, willpower, and overcoming obstacles. It's about taking control of your journey.


Inner strength, courage, resilience.Symbolizes inner courage, resilience, and taming one's inner beasts. It's about finding strength within.

The Hermit

Solitude, introspection, guidance.Represents introspection, solitude, and seeking inner wisdom. He's a guide on a path of self-discovery

Wheel of Fortune

Change, destiny, cycles.Symbolizes change, fate, and the cyclical nature of life. It's about accepting the ups and downs.


Balance, fairness, legal matters.Represents fairness, balance, and karmic consequences. It's about making ethical choices.

The Hanged Man

Surrender, suspension, new perspectives. Represents sacrifice, new perspectives, and letting go of the old. It's about seeing things differently


Transformation, endings, new beginnings.Represents transformation, endings, and new beginnings. It's about embracing change and letting go.


Balance, moderation, patience.Represents balance, moderation, and finding harmony. It's about finding the middle ground.

The Devil

Materialism, bondage, unhealthy attachments. Represents temptation, addiction, and shadow aspects. It's about facing your inner demons.

The Tower

Upheaval, chaos, revelation.Represents sudden upheaval, chaos, and destruction. It's about breaking down old structures.

The Star

Hope, inspiration, spirituality.Represents hope, inspiration, and renewal. It's about finding faith and believing in your dreams.

The Moon

Intuition, illusion, subconscious fears.Represents illusions, intuition, and the subconscious. It's about exploring the hidden depths.

The Sun

Success, joy, vitality.Represents joy, happiness, and success. It's about celebrating life and embracing positivity.


Reflection, renewal, inner calling.Represents awakening, self-reflection, and a call to action. It's about making amends and moving forward.

The World

Completion, fulfillment, integration.Represents completion, fulfillment, and unity. It's about achieving your goals and finding peace.

Each Major Arcana card carries layers of meaning, offering profound insights into different aspects of life and personal growth.

The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards Suits Insights

Each suit contains 14 cards, including Ace through Ten and four Court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, King). These cards provide detailed insights into various aspects of daily life and personal development.

Wands (Fire):

Represents passion, creativity, and action. Think of fire, energy, and willpower.

  • Creativity, inspiration, ambition.

  • Associated with energy, action, and enterprise.

Cups (Water):

Represents emotions, relationships, and intuition. Think of water, feelings, and connection.

  • Emotions, relationships, intuition.

  • Reflective of feelings, love, and connections.

Swords (Air):

Represents intellect, communication, and conflict. Think of air, logic, and sharp thinking.

  • Intellect, thoughts, challenges.

  • Symbolizes clarity, conflict, and decision-making.

Pentacles (Earth):

Represents material world, security, and abundance. Think of earth, practicality, and financial matters.

  • Material aspects, finances, physical health.

  • Concerned with practical matters, stability, and prosperity.

Exploring The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards

In contrast to the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. These cards reflect day-to-day events and experiences, providing practical guidance and advice. Here’s a breakdown of each suit and its meanings:


Ace of Wands: A new beginning, a spark of inspiration, and a surge of energy.

Two of Wands: Planning, strategy, and making choices about your path.

Three of Wands: Expansion, progress, and celebrating achievements.

Four of Wands: Stability, celebration, and a sense of accomplishment.

Five of Wands: Competition, conflict, and overcoming challenges.

Six of Wands: Victory, recognition, and moving forward with confidence.

Seven of Wands: Defense, perseverance, and standing your ground.

Eight of Wands: Fast movement, action, and things happening quickly.

Nine of Wands: Resilience, strength, and holding your position.

Ten of Wands: Burden, responsibility, and carrying a heavy load.

Page of Wands: New ideas, enthusiasm, and a desire to explore.

Knight of Wands: Adventure, impulsiveness, and a desire for action.

Queen of Wands: Confidence, independence, and a strong sense of self.

King of Wands: Leadership, ambition, and a desire to take charge.


Ace of Cups: New love, emotional healing, and a sense of joy.

Two of Cups:  Partnership, connection, and a harmonious relationship.

Three of Cups: Celebration, friendship, and enjoying life's pleasures.

Four of Cups: Contentment, introspection, and a time for reflection.

Five of Cups: Loss, disappointment, and dwelling on the past.

Six of Cups: Nostalgia, memories, and revisiting the past.

Seven of Cups: Illusions, temptations, and making choices.

Eight of Cups: Disillusionment, leaving behind the past, and moving on.

Nine of Cups: Happiness, contentment, and fulfilling your desires.

Ten of Cups: Fulfillment, family, and a sense of belonging.

Page of Cups: New emotions, creativity, and a sense of wonder.

Knight of Cups: Romance, idealism, and a desire for connection.

Queen of Cups: Compassion, intuition, and emotional depth.

King of Cups: Emotional stability, wisdom, and a sense of peace.


Ace of Swords: Clarity, truth, and a breakthrough.

Two of Swords: Indecision, stalemate, and a need for balance.

Three of Swords: Heartbreak, sorrow, and emotional pain.

Four of Swords: Rest, recovery, and a time for healing.

Five of Swords:  Betrayal, defeat, and feeling defeated.

Six of Swords: Transition, moving on, and leaving the past behind.

Seven of Swords: Deception, stealth, and getting away with something.

Eight of Swords: Trapped, limited, and feeling restricted.

Nine of Swords: Anxiety, worry, and sleepless nights.

Ten of Swords: Complete defeat, suffering, and hitting rock bottom.

Page of Swords: Curiosity, quick thinking, and a desire to learn.

Knight of Swords: Action, decisiveness, and a sharp mind.

Queen of Swords: Independence, intelligence, and a sharp tongue.

King of Swords:  Authority, control, and a strong will.


Ace of Pentacles: New opportunities, financial success, and abundance.

Two of Pentacles:  Balance, juggling responsibilities, and finding harmony.

Three of Pentacles: Collaboration, craftsmanship, and teamwork.

Four of Pentacles: Security, stability, and holding onto what you have.

Five of Pentacles: Poverty, lack, and feeling lost.

Six of Pentacles: Generosity, charity, and helping others.

Seven of Pentacles: Patience, perseverance, and waiting for results.

Eight of Pentacles: Skill, craftsmanship, and dedication to work.

Nine of Pentacles: Luxury, comfort, and enjoying the fruits of your labor.

Ten of Pentacles:  Legacy, family, and financial security.

Page of Pentacles: New opportunities, learning, and practical skills.

Knight of Pentacles: Reliability, stability, and a practical approach.

Queen of Pentacles:  Abundance, nurturing, and financial success.

King of Pentacles: Wealth, prosperity, and material security. 

Mastering Tarot Card Readings

Mastering the art of Tarot card reading involves understanding both the Major and Minor Arcana, their symbolism, and their nuanced meanings. Whether you're a novice or an experienced reader, each Tarot reading offers a unique perspective and guidance. Embrace the journey of discovery and enlightenment that Tarot cards provide, and let the wisdom of the cards illuminate your path.

To effectively interpret Tarot cards, it's essential to blend intuition with knowledge of card meanings and symbolism. Here are some tips for mastering Tarot reading:

  • Study Symbolism: Understand the symbolic meanings behind each card and how they relate to life experiences.
  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice enhances intuition and strengthens connections with the cards.
  • Trust Your Intuition: Intuition plays a vital role in interpreting Tarot cards; trust your inner guidance.
  • Stay Objective: Maintain objectivity while interpreting readings to provide balanced and insightful guidance.
  • Continual Learning: Tarot is a lifelong study; continue learning and exploring different interpretations and decks.


By delving into the rich symbolism and meanings of the Tarot, you can unlock profound insights into life's mysteries and navigate its challenges with clarity and wisdom. Start your journey into the mystical world of Tarot today and uncover the secrets that await within the cards.

Call To Actions

Dive deeper into the Tarot by experimenting with different spreads and interpretations. Each reading offers a new opportunity for self-discovery and growth, making Tarot a timeless tool for spiritual and personal development.

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